Si vous aimez les thrillers et les séries policières, Unbelievable (2019) est sans doute LA série que vous devriez regarder. That’s exactly what happened when Jessica Jones first came out in 2015. The good kind of angry. -Alison Foreman, Entertainment Reporter. The 10 Best Celebrity Engagement Rings, Ranked By Cost, 10 Things You Didn't Know About Jane Fonda, Billie Eilish's 10 Biggest Musical Influences, Ranked, 10 Lifestyle YouTubers Everyone Should Be Following, 10 Best Tattoo Artists For Newschool Tattoos, 5 Hobbies Aquarius Would Love (5 They Would Hate), Everything Robert Downey Jr.’s Female Costars Have Said About Working With Him, YouTube: Cardi B's 10 Most-Watched Music Videos. Glow features the fictionalized world of a real-life program from the 1980s, the Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling, founded by David McLane. Their husbands have been carrying on an affair for decades and are now leaving their respective wives for each other. 2020 Bustle Digital Group. 'Living with Yourself' starring Paul Rudd(s). La série aborde le sexisme, le racisme, les questionnements identitaires, tout cela mêlés aux déboires amoureux et aux ambitions professionnelles des personnages. While Fonda plays Grace, a classically beautiful woman who is more often than not a little uptight. However, the film lacks a clear direction regarding exactly what it wishes to convey, which is why it fails to realize its true potential. Rather, my criteria for recommending the 17 shows and movies below is simple: the women depicted in them do not exist solely in relation to a man. Plus historiques, What happened, Miss Simone ? One Day At A Time is a reimagining of the sitcom by the same name that aired from 1975-1984. When her former friend, retired soap actress Debbie Eagan, joins GLOW, a rivalry is born. If you haven’t jumped on this progressive femme-filled ship, then you are completely missing out. Yes, you can compare the cloning plot to Black Mirror or Orphan Black, and creator Timothy Greenberg isn’t breaking new ground on the existentialism front; still, the glittery Rubik’s cube that is this short comedy-drama deserves our praise and attention. Deux ans après, on ne présente plus le stand-up Nanette (2018) de Hannah Gadsby. One of Netflix's signature shows, Orange Is the New Black remains a triumph for equality. Tracey Gordon is a virgin when Chewing Gum begins, and her journey to get in touch with her sexuality is hilarious, awkward, and painfully honest in the best way possible. They are shown as realistic, flawed, vulnerable women who have their own unique personalities rather than just being there as a pretty face. This OWN-approved documentary looks at the prejudices faced by dark-skinned women around the globe. We're just weeks away from the dawn of a new year of Netflix, but we can't dive into our January binges without first looking back on everything that streamed in 2019. Riot Grrrl legend and Bikini Kill front woman Kathleen Hanna may not have taken a traditional path to musical success, but she did manage to galvanize a group of women activist fans along the way. When a violent nomadic tribe attacks their kingdom, Mulan cannot bear the fact that her father, who is elderly and weak, will have to join his armies in fighting them. Ageism, LGBTQ+ rights, mental health, and issues of race and feminism are always at the forefront of the story. It's truly sad to think about, but such a heartfelt and funny work that you need to see it. Rebecca Bunch is an antihero for the ages in this funny and often heartbreaking musical comedy that puts female friendships and mental health issues at the forefront. It's the ultimate girl's club: A team of Rosie the Riveter-esque baseball players who dominate in their chosen sport despite widespread skepticism over whether women should be playing sports to begin with, much less holding jobs in male-dominated industries. Quels programmes regarder pour nourrir sa ferveur féministe pendant le confinement ? She is a loyal and heroic young woman who still has her own vulnerabilities. Images: Miramax Films; Cavu Pictures; Strand Releasing. N'oublions pas les classiques de la plateforme : Jane The Virgin (2014, 5 saisons), Sex Education (2019, 2 saisons), Au Fil des Jours (2017, 3 saisons), Les Nouvelles Aventures de Sabrina (2018, 3 saisons), Good Girls (2018, 3 saisons), Orange is the New Black (2013, 7 saisons), Jessica Jones (2015, 3 saisons). There's nothing like a show with strong feminist themes to give you a much needed reminder that there are incredible artists out there who use their unique voices for good. Pendant le confinement, Netflix a décidé de réduire ses débits mais votre ferveur féministe, elle, ne faiblit pas ? Okay, so this is not the most obvious show on Netflix that is great for female viewers. Like when Elizabeth, at times, succeeds in making her own choices as a mid-century female monarch, it is enough for a show mostly surrounding her duties she cannot abandon. Confinement : quels programmes féministes rattraper sur Netflix ? So, which series rose to the top of our queue? This Selma Hayek-fronted, Academy Award-winning biopic of the feminist icon portrays the artist in a whole new light. RELATED: The Queen On The Crown Was Paid Less Than The Prince. C'est le cas d'Ali Wong (Baby Cobra, 2016 & Hard Knock Wife, 2018) ou d'Amy Schumer (Growing, 2019 & The Leather Special 2017) qui n'hésitent pas à monter sur scène enceinte pour parler de leur grossesse, de la maternité, ou de leur vie sexuelle - parfois de manière graphique, mais toujours hilarante.Dans le même registre Chelsea Peretti (One of the Greats, 2014) et Iliza Schlesinger (Elder Millenial, 2018 & Freezing Hot, 2015) abordent leurs vies de célibataires ou de jeunes mariées. Dans She's Gotta Have It (2017), on suit une autre héroïne noire, Nola Darling, artiste ruinée vivant à Brooklyn. Connectez-vous It was a fitting last lap for one of Netflix's best series ever. All rights reserved. This witty, smart series is required viewing. A show about a teenage witch may conjure up memories of cheesy sitcom fun, but not in Netflix's iteration of Sabrina's tale. With all that said, here’s the list of really good feminist movies on Netflix that are available to stream right now: Ellen Page has always been an intense performer since she first broke out with the film ‘Hard Candy’ in 2005. After an unemployed single mom gets a job as a file clerk in a law office, she becomes the center of a massive law suit against a power company accused of polluting a city's water. It revolves around a Cuban-American family living in Echo Park in Los Angeles, with single mom Penelope Alvarez as a United States Army Nurse Corps veteran who suffers from PTSD, while raising her kids and living with her Cuban mother. The show’s off-kilter beats and bizarre twists come at a breakneck pace, which makes it both overwhelming and constantly entertaining. Dans cette histoire inspirée de faits réels, deux femmes détectives relancent une enquête close après qu'une victime de viol soit accusée d'avoir tout inventé. (Johanna Dematrakas, 2018) revient sur le combat de plusieurs militantes du mouvement pour les droits des femmes et Missrepresentation (Jennifer Siebel, 2011) analyse les conséquences de la sous-représentation des femmes dans les médias. Check out the 10 best Netflix TV shows of 2019 below. -Alexis Nedd, Senior Entertainment Reporter. A strong, vulnerable, accepting, and powerful young woman. A sci-fi horror series with monsters, mayhem, and teenagers may not immediately spell out female empowerment, but that description doesn’t even scratch the surface of what this show entails.
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