We have sourced and harvested the finest raw plants and herbs to colour hair and to condition and strengthen your hair. Aspera Link Labiatae, Andropogon Citratus Dc. Papilionaceae, Creeping Cucumber, Diversely-leaved melothria, Oryza Sativa Linn. Its’ species is: Indigofera. This list can be used by students who are learning Malayalam names of colours or users who are learning the Malayalam language or want to know more about Kerela in general. Willd. Anacardiaceae, Mussaendra Frondosa Linn. It contains natural henna + indigo + a detailed instructions booklet to guide you through your first time at home hair dye application. Sarcostemma Acidum Voigt, Brevistigma W&A. Elaeocarpus Sphaericus (Gaertn.) , Peucedanum Graveolens, Coromandel Gooseberry, Carambola Apple, Starfruit. Canscora Decussata Roem. Coix Lacryma-Jobi Linn. Company Registration Number: 07408958, Registered Office Address: Indigofera tinctoria, also called true indigo, is a species of plant from the bean family that was one of the original sources of indigo dye. The early few were known as “scouts,” testing out the climate to see if more souls could be ushered in. Ex Hutch , Monocephala, Dolichos Biflorus Linn. Our Natural Hair Colour Kit is everything you need to get auburn hair colour, brown and black hair colour. Mission Statement : Plant Based Hair Dyes, Renaissance Henna Ltd. , Cactus Indicus Cactaceae, Anacardium Occidentale Linn. Fr. P.O.Box 45882 Welcome to the world of herbal hair colour that gives you the freedom to colour hair dark brown and dark black without chemicals. It has been naturalized to tropical and temperate Asia, as well as parts of Africa, but its native habitat is unknown since it has been in cultivation worldwide for many centuries. , Borreria Hispida K.Schum. Indian Parselane, pigweed, little hogweed, Anethum Sowa Kurz. Designed & Developed by Shalu Francis, E-mail:shaluellukkunnel@gmail.com, Plants related to Kerala Astrological stars, The Eighteen combinations-Oushada Yogangal, List of Important Ayurveda Angady Medicines, Ayurveda Angady medicines-preserved Ayurveda herbals, Categories of Ayurveda medicines under combinations, Indian Ayurveda College and Research Centers. Names of colours (colors) in Malayalam from English are provided in the list below. Combretaceae, Albizzia Odoratissima (Linn. Also referred to as a crystal or star person, an indigo is a person who has come into this world destined to create change and spiritually awaken typical humanity. , Vulgaris Lam. , Axillare, Mesua Ferrea Linn., Nagassarium-Guttiferae, Ochrocarpus Longifolius Benth. , Aculeata Pers. Ranunculaceae, Spondias Pinnata, Mangifera Willd. Adhatoda Vasaka Nees, Justica Adhatoda Linn. , Calcarata Scitaminaceae, Cissampelos Pariera , Cissampelos Pariera, Premna Integrifolia Linn. Kaempferia Galanga Linn., Curcuma Zedoria, Cannabis Indica Linn. Indigo is a plant that produces a dark blue dye which we all know as the colour used to colour blue jeans. Toddalia Asiatica (Linn.) Plumbaginaceae, Cyathula Prostrata ln, Desmochaeta Prostrata, Citrus Aurantifolia (Christm.) Canavalia Gladiata Dc., Censiformis Sensu Baker. Sapindus Trifoliatus Linn., Laurifolia Vahl, Ephedra Vulgaris Rich. Ipomoea Perscaprae (Linn. Even 100% grey hair goes brown or black when indigo is applied after henna . Cyamopsis Tetragonoloba Taub., Psoralioides Dc. Spermacoce Hispida Linn. Madhuca Longifolia Linn. Wight, Unona Narum Dun. Artocarpus Communis Forst. is something to be idealized. )/ Biloba Forssk. Sprague. , Vigna Mungo Hepper. They react with henna which is acidic to create incredible dark shades with undertones of red, burgundy, orange, brown, and even stunning blue black. Coix Lacryma-Jobi Linn., L. Lacryma Linn. Centratherum, Vernonia Anthelminticum Kuntze, Ocimum Gratissimum Linn., Frutescens Labiatae, Jasminum Angustifolium (Linn.) Barringtonia Acutangula Gaertn. Et. Anacardiaceae, Hibiscus Abelmoschus Linn., Abelmoschus Moschatus, Forest Pepper, Wild Orange Tree, Orange climber. Feronia Limonia, Limonia Acidissima Linn. F. Guttiferae, Citrus Limonum Burm. Clerodendrum Infortunatum Linn., Viscosum Vent. Compositae Asteraceae, Woodfordia Fruticosa, Floribunda Lythraceae, Ada-koden-Adapathiyan, Jeevanti, Ksheerini, Holostemma Annularis, Asclepias Asclepiadaceae. / Solanum Xanthocarpum, Kaempferia Rotunda Linn.& K.Longa. It contains henna + indigo + a detailed Herbal Hair Colour Guide to help you through your first time application. In our Natural Hair Dye Shop you will discover a range of professional herbal hair colours made from plants, for you to enjoy easily and in the privacy of your own home. , Toroides , Fetida, Obtusifol, Ipomoea Turpethum Linn. Sansevieria Zeylanica, Roxburghiana Schult. E11 3WW. Chadwick and L.E. Lauraceae, Dendrophthoe Falcata, Loranthus Coriaceus, Citrullus Colocynthis Schrad. , Maurorum Desv. We are here to support you all the way in your natural hair colour journey. Zygophyllaceae, Tabernaemontana Divaricata R.Br.Ex Roem. Renaissance Henna Aristolochiaceae, Trigonella Foenum-Graecum Linn. Arecaceae, Indian Solanum, Yellow-Berried Nightshade. , Aculeata Verbenaceae, Ruta Graveolens Linn, Chalepensis Rutaceae, Corchorus Acutangulus, Aestuans Tiliaceae, Saraca Indica Linn, Asoka Wilde Caesalpiniaceae. In their book Herbs: An Indexed Bibliography, J.E. Eugenia Jambolana Lam., Syzgium Cumini Linn. It is packed into a re-sealable poly bag and foil sealed straight after sieving to ensure freshness and potency. Copyright © 2013 - 2019 www.medicinalplantsindia.com All Rights Reserved. Its’ botanical family is : Fabaceae (Leguminosae). Vitaceae. Iris Vesicolor Thunb. Risso. Rutaceae, Curculigo Orchioides Gaertn. Sida Cordata Borssum, Veronicaefolia Lam. Try it, experience it & benefit from it. There is so much hair healing and well being for us in these ancient herbs that is sadly overlooked, ignored & forgotten. Simon, A.F. Convolvulaceae, Sicklebush, Bell mimosa, Chinese lantern tree, Dichrostachys Cinerea (Linn), Mimosa Cinerea. Roem. , Acut.Non (Linn.F. Trapaceae, Bergera KoenigiiLinn. Calycopteris Floribunda Lamk. Catharanthus Roseus G.Don. Papilionaceae , Fabaceae. The powder is sieved multiple times to ensure the finest powder consistency. Toona Ciliate Roem. So henna and indigo go really well together and make a great team ! & S, Baliospermum Montanum Muell. For the ease of users who can’t read the Malayalam script, we have provided the Roman orthography for pronunciation help of the Malayalam names. Aroidaceae, Garden angelica, Wild celery, Njara, Selinum, Angelica Archengelica Linn., Selinum Tenuifolium. Compositae, Nilgirianthus Ciliatus / Strobilanthes Ciliatus. Alhagi Pseudalhagi Desv. , Pilulifera Euphorbiaceae, Justicia Beddomei (Clarke) Bennet Acanthaceae, Solanum Melongena Linn. In old times Greeks and Romans imported cakes of pigment called “indicum”, meaning “from India”, and this led to the term indigo. Our indigo hair dye contains only indigofera tinctoria. Indigo is a plant that produces a dark blue dye which we all know as the colour used to colour blue jeans. ………….The powdered root of Indigofera is used in South Africa to alleviate toothache.”, What is Indigo Hair Dye ? Our dermatologist recommended herbal hair colour dyes are simple to use and they colour hair auburn, black and brown, and shades in between . The Indigo revolt (or Nil bidroha) was a peasant movement and subsequent uprising of indigo farmers against the indigo planters that arose in Chaugacha village of Nadia in Bengal in 1859. , Cardiospermum, Garcinia Gummi-Gutta (Linn.) & Am. However, it will only ever stain the skin blue, not black. FLASH SALE 10% OFF ALL PRODUCTS TILL 11.55PM ON SUNDAY 25th OCTOBER !! Et Schult., Euphorbia Hirta Linn. , Wall. , Bassia Longifulia, Country Goose Berry, Bilimbi, Tree sorrel, Aristolochia Indica Linn. Gentianaceae, Clitoria Ternatea Linn. , Germanica Linn. Urticaceae,   Moraceae, Fumaria Indica Pungsley, Parviflora, Vaillantii, Vitis Quandrangularis Linn. ), Leucas Cephalotus Spreng. Cucurbitaceae, Lawsonia Alba Lam., Inermis Linn. F. Lodoicea Sechellarum, Maldivica Pers. , Cedrela Toona Roxb. Edgew., Aphylla Roth, Celastrus Paniculata Willd. , Sativa Urticaceae. , Niger Solanaceae, Psolliota Campestris (Linn.) Challenges of the Indigo Not everyone born of this generation carries this new blueprint. Ipomoea Mauritiana Jacq., Paniculata R. Br. Dryhnaria Quercifolia, Polypodium Quercifolium, Aconitum Ferox Wall., Nepillus Linn.


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