Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace.] Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. The inhabitants of Judea had been borne to a far distant land. After the coming judgement for their sin, a day will dawn when Israel will be redeemed and restored, and they will walk in the paths of righteousness and be covered with God’s blanket of peace, for when the eyes of the hearts are focused on the Lord, His perfect peace stills the soul and floods the heart. Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength.”. Heb., Peace, peace - that is, a multiplied peace with God, with himself, and with others; or a renewed, continued peace, or … You will keep perfectly peaceful the one whose mind remains focused on you, because he remains in you. of
Yet their confidence in God had not been shaken. Salem Media Group. Ver. Isaiah 26:3 - Perfect Peace - Food for Thought - True Christian living requires us to live according to Kingdom standards which bring Heaven to earth Working for a … Isaiah 26:3. In the Psalms we read that righteousness and peace kiss each other and the peace for which we all crave, only comes as a result of righteousness. A steadfast disposition thou guardest in constant peace, the steadfast mind thou wilt keep in peace, Ellicott's Commentary for English Readers, Keil and Delitzsch Biblical Commentary on the Old Testament. California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. When the saved-man, who is clothed in Christ’s own righteousness, walks in spirit and truth, he maintains fellowship with the Father and receives the perfect peace of God, which passes our comprehension. That is, the mind that has confidence in God shall not be agitated by the trials to which it shall be subject; by persecution, poverty, sickness, want, or bereavement. Isaiah 26:3 “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast because they trust in you.” Explanation and Commentary on Isaiah 26:3. The Bible says in Isaiah 26:3-4, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Peace with God in Christ through his blood, in a way of believing, and as the fruit and effect of his righteousness being received by faith; this is not always felt, received, and enjoyed in the soul; yet the foundation of it always is, and is perfect; and besides, this peace is true, real, and solid; in which sense the word "perfect" is used, in opposition to a false and imaginary … We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you: because he trusts in you. The word which is rendered 'mind' (יצר yētser) is derived from יצר yâtsar to form, create, devise; and it properly denotes that which is formed or made Psalm 103:14; Isaiah 29:16, Hebrews 2:18. Either interpretation suits the connection, and will make sense. Thou wilt keep [him] in perfect peace. Notice, secondly, the steadfast peacefulness of trust. Proud member
Here is a series of causes and effects, along with some unspoken ones that undergird the whole verse. Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace — Hebrew, in peace, peace; peace with God, and peace of conscience; peace at all times, and under all events; whose mind is stayed on thee — Hebrew, יצר סמוךְ , the thought, or, mind fixed, or, the stayed mind, as Bishop Lowth renders it; that is, the man whose thoughts and mind are fixed and settled on thee by faith, as the next clause explains it. Yes, indeed God gives the one who trusts in the Lord Jesus Christ as saviour PEACE WITH GOD - and He will keep the believer in Christ Jesus covered in His own perfect peace, by giving us the PEACE OF GOD which transcends human understanding. Thou wilt keep [him] in perfect peace Peace with God in Christ through his blood, in a way of believing, and as the fruit and effect of his righteousness being received by faith; this is not always felt, received, and enjoyed in the soul; yet the foundation of it always is, and is perfect; and besides, this peace is true, real, and solid; in which sense the word "perfect" is used, in opposition to a false and imaginary one; and it will end in perfect peace in heaven: moreover, the word "perfect" is not in the Hebrew text, it is there "peace, peace"; which is doubled to denote the certainty of it, the enjoyment of it, and the constancy and continuance of it; and as expressive of all sorts of peace, which God grants unto his people, and keeps for them, and them in; as peace with God and peace with men, peace outward and peace inward, peace here and peace hereafter; and particularly it denotes the abundance of peace that believers will have in the kingdom of Christ in the latter day; see ( Psalms 72:7 ) ( Isaiah 9:7 ) : [whose] mind [is] stayed [on thee]; or "fixed" on the love of God, rooted and grounded in that, and firmly persuaded of interest in it, and that nothing can separate from it; on the covenant and promises of God, which are firm and sure; and on the faithfulness and power of God to make them good, and perform them; and on Christ the Son of God, and Saviour of men; upon him as a Saviour, laying the whole stress of their salvation on him; upon his righteousness, for their justification; upon his blood and sacrifice, for atonement, pardon, and cleansing; on his fulness, for the supply of their wants; on his person, for their acceptance with God; and on his power, for their protection and preservation; see ( Isaiah 10:20 ) ( 50:10 ) ( Psalms 112:7 Psalms 112:8 ) : because he trusteth in thee; not in the creature, nor in any creature enjoyment, nor in their riches, nor in their righteousness, nor in their own hearts, nor in any carnal privileges: only in the Lord, as exhorted to in the next verse ( Isaiah 26:4 ) ; in the Word of the Lord, as the Targum, that is, in Christ. Thou establishest a purpose firm; peace, peace, for in Thee is his trust. They had been subjected to reproaches and to scorn Psalm 137:1-9; had been stripped of their property and honor; and had been reduced to the condition of prisoners and captives. Let us ensure that the thoughts of our hearts are fixed on the Lord Jesus moment by moment as we take every thought captive to Him, for God has promised to keep in perfect peace all who trust in Him and fasten the eyes of their hearts upon Him. Then it denotes anything that is formed by the mind - its thoughts, imaginations, devices Genesis 8:21; Deuteronomy 31:21. Whose mind is stayed on thee - Various interpretations have been given of this passage, but our translation has probably hit upon the exact sense. 3. Isaiah 26:3. In Isaiah 26 we see the prophet rehearsing a song of trust in the provision of God – he sings of how God will restore Israel, who will once again walk in righteousness and peace. It is a verse of the Bible that tells us one of the benefits of trusting in God, and it explains an important piece of information about what it means to … First, then, I desire to notice in a sentence the insight into the true nature of trust or faith given by the word employed here. When the sinner-man trusts in Christ as saviour, he is clothed in Christ’s righteousness and receives peace with God. Isaiah 26:3-4. Here it may mean the thoughts themselves, or the mind that forms the thoughts. They still trusted in him; still believed that he could and would deliver them. I. There is no other support but that; and the connection requires us to understand this of him. In perfect peace - Hebrew as in the Margin, 'Peace, peace;' the repetition of the word denoting, as is usual in Hebrew, emphasis, and here evidently meaning undisturbed, perfect peace. After the coming judgement for their sin, a day will dawn when Israel will be redeemed and restored, and they will walk in the paths of righteousness and be covered with God’s blanket of peace, for when the eyes of the hearts are focused … The Hebrew is simply, whose mind is stayed, supported (סמוּך sâmûk); that is, evidently, supported by God. Article Images Copyright © 2020 Getty Images unless otherwise indicated. III. II. Isaiah 26:3 Treasury of Scripture Knowing. And so it has been with tens of thousands of the confessors and martyrs, and of the persecuted and afflicted people of God, who have been enabled to commit their cause to him, and amidst the storms of persecution, and even in the prison and at the stake, have been kept in perfect peace. Isaiah 26:3 is a great verse to memorize. In Isaiah 26 we see the prophet rehearsing a song of trust in the provision of God – he sings of how God will restore Israel, who will once again walk in righteousness and peace. Isaiah 26:3 Thou wilt keep [him] in perfect peace, [whose] mind [is] stayed [on thee]: because he trusteth in thee. Their mind was, therefore, kept in entire peace. In verse 3 of Isaiah 26, we find a promise of what is described as “perfect peace” to those who’ve put their trust in God, and then in verse 4, we are called into that same trust and told the reason why God is worthy of that trust. " With my soul have I desired thee in the night; yea, with my spirit within me will I seek thee early: for … So it was with the Redeemer when he was persecuted and maligned (1 Peter 2:23; compare Luke 23:46). whose mind is stayed on thee; or "fixed" on the love of God, rooted and grounded in that, and firmly persuaded of interest in it, and that nothing can separate from it; on the covenant and promises of God, which are firm and sure; and on the faithfulness and power of God to make them good, and perform them; and on Christ the Son of God, and Saviour of men; upon him as a Saviour, laying the whole stress of their salvation on him; upon his righteousness, for their justification; upon his blood and sacrifice, for atonement, pardon, and cleansing; on his fulness, for the supply of their wants; on his person, for their acceptance with God; and on his power, for their protection and preservation; see Isaiah 10:20. because he trusteth in thee; not in the creature, nor in any creature enjoyment, nor in their riches, nor in their righteousness, nor in their own hearts, nor in any carnal privileges: only in the Lord, as exhorted to in the next verse Isaiah 26:4; in the Word of the Lord, as the Targum, that is, in Christ. And this is equally true of the church today, for when Christians set their thoughts of their hearts of Christ Jesus, they are flooded with an inner peace – an inexplicable peace… a perfect peace that only comes from above. The expression, 'is stayed on thee,' in the Hebrew does not express the idea that the mind is stayed on God, though that is evidently implied. Loving Father I pray that the thoughts of my heart and the meditation of my mind be centred on You moment by moment, so that the righteousness and peace of Christ will kiss my life as I walk in spirit and truth… in the power of the Holy Spirit, AMEN.
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