An aspect of the traditional authority is that there is no legal sanction behind such authority. Legal-rational authority can be called a type of limited form of government.

In ordinary sense of the term responsibility denotes an obligation of an individual to do his assigned job satisfactorily to the best of his ability. Authority cannot be concentrated in the hands of one or a few individuals.

There are three types authority which are discussed here under: This authority is exercised by the managers by virtue of their position. In other words, there is an unequal distribution of power like an unequal distribution of wealth. The different business organisations and industries were fighting among themselves to keep their physical existence intact. An individual should be answerable to only one immediate superior and no more. Market forces and other economic conditions restrict managerial authority. But this ability, he continues, depends in some measure upon certain conditions and if the conditions are not fulfilled properly power cannot function.

There are technological limits on authority too. Authority refers to the right to make decision and to command subordinate to follow these decisions. Accountability neither can be shared nor delegated. These questions are to be answered by the individual before he satisfies himself and his superiors that he has accomplished the job.

Account Disable 12. 7.

Authority is, therefore, a kind of right to do something. The relationship between the two can be explained still from another angle. However, the conflicts among the classes sometimes lead to the other conflicts and this is the general characteristic of capitalist society.

It is an absolute and cannot be delegated. ‘Authority’ means ‘Legal or rightful power, a right to command or to act’.

Fifthly, power (used in political science) is a very complex notion. A sociologist’s definition of power is: the possibility of having one’s own decision, select alternatives or reduce complexities for others. Power and authority are perhaps the most vital aspects of all organisations in general and political organisations in particular. Formal authority is reduced to nominal authority if it is not accepted by the subordinates. Power is not something which is permanently fixed.

Power and duty are also clearly stated Rational-legal authority is the explicit form of a right to give orders and to have been obeyed. In order to enable the sub-ordinate to perform his responsibility well, the superior must clearly tell the former as to what is expected of him. Accountability – Accountability is the obligation to carry out responsibility and exercise authority in terms of performance standards established. An individual creates tremendous impact upon the mind of the people by dint of his personality or charisma.

Responsibility should not be considered merely as a desire to co-operate or to advance group objectives. Line authority channelizes and directs the responses of others.

For example, Dahl uses the term ‘influence’ to mean power. The main purpose is to make a powerful organisation. In this case power, authority and legitimacy play a vital role. It arises from the superior-subordinate relationship.

Terms of Service 7.

Simple customs, traditions and conventions have made the authority legitimate. But this did not adversely affect the functioning or management of tribal societies or political systems of earlier epochs.

Leslie Lipson (The Great Issues of Politics) thinks that power is nothing but the ability to achieve results through concerted action. Needless to say that Weber uses the term legitimacy in the light of greater and wider perspective. Thus, by observing above cited definitions one can conclude that authority involves three elements viz., power to use directions and make decisions, the right to compel for its obedience and the power to influence the behaviour or actions of the sub-ordinates. Robert Dahl in many of his works has defined power and analysed its various aspects. This relation between power and authority has been stated by Leslie Lipson in the following words.

This point may further be explained. It is the authority which enables him to discharge the important functions of planning, coordination, motivation and controlling, etc., in an enterprise. The tradition continues. The corporatist theory is, however, not free from weakness. One is thus accountable for failures to his boss. Power also means the ability to do something. It is the right to issue orders, instructions and decisions to be implemented by the people down the hierarchy.

Naturally power relates to the relationship or interaction between two or among more than two elements or actors. According to Urwick, formal authority is conferred by organization; technical authority is implicit in a special knowledge or skill whereas personal authority is conferred by superiority or popularity.

Organizational objectives can be achieved through this authority. The staff specialists do not enjoy line authority over people of line departments but they are experts in their area of specialization and exercise authority (over managers of other departments), which is formalized on account of their expertise and competence. Responsibility may be continuing or it may terminate with the accomplishment of a single action. Corporatist theory thus stresses that the diverse elements of society are to be unified into one body. It is what one is expected to do in order to carry out his prescribed job. Nehru of India had the same qualities. Thus, formal authority always flows from top to bottom.

The value of the acceptance theory lies in its recognition of the individual’s decision on whether he will act on a communication he receives.

Generally, the authority to make decisions or the right to command decreases as it proceeds from the highest to lowest level of any organization. The position of each individual is to be fixed, i.e., whether he is to be in the position of authority or in the subordinate position.

On the other hand, the flow of authority is downwards because it is delegated to the subordinates.

Authority, Responsibility and Accountability in Management, Authority, Responsibility and Accountability – With Explanation, Authority, Responsibility and Accountability in Management – With Features. Social beliefs, goals habits and customs. The authority which a committee is likely to exercise largely depends on the authority of the various individuals comprising it, e.g., budget committee, workers committee, etc. Some scholars identify authority with competence, others with right and leadership.

Or “Bureaucracy is the administrative system that allows modern societies to function”. When superior assigns any duty or work to sub-ordinate by his authority it becomes a responsibility on the part of sub-ordinate to perform that duty. For example, if there is fire in the office, the workers present at that situation can use the alarm bell to indicate the emergency situation without having a formal authority to use the bell. and British people obey them and give them legal sanction. Abstract. The multinational corporations have intensified their functions in numerous forms in various developing countries of the Third World. One is always answerable to his superiors for the work which he has accepted to perform. In the military, the concept of accountability is used to indicate the duty and an officer to maintain accurate records and to safeguard public property and funds. If they are not interested in their work, it may be very difficult for the higher officers to implement their authority. According to these persons the capitalist system is so structured that the conflicts do not create any impasse. According to Weber Bureaucracy model there is another way to achieve the individuals to obey the rules and it is legitimacy fulfill the needs of an individual. For example, if a person is expert in a particular field of knowledge, other people seek his guidance and follow his advice as if that were an order. The origin of corporatism can conveniently be traced to the strong urge for survival. Thus, formal authority always flows from top to bottom.

So it is held that power is not legitimate, the authority is always legitimate. Weber says that in ancient time and even in middle Ages in many political systems the traditional authority existed. Hence it is observed that power is not concentrated at any particular centre. 2.

Decision making power for the guidance, conduct or behavior of the subordinates is also considered ‘authority’. According to Raphael right has another meaning. People will go to him for guidance in that matter even though he has got no formal authority. – Koontz and O’Donnell.

Beyond these three terms managerial activities may be reduced to a farce. In this sense, authority flows from the superior to the subordinate manager to whom certain duties are assigned and responsibility is the obligation of the subordinate to accomplish these duties. Thirdly, in a class-society there are diverse interests and each power centre represents a particular interest. In this connection, the following principle is to be followed. Power, Maclver says, is an ability to command service from others.

Charisma is a special quality or gift of God.

With the advancement of capitalism the powers and importance of corporate bodies have increased at an unprecedented rate. Davis and Filley say “Authority consists principally of the rights to decide and command”.

Source of Authority/Theories of Authority: There are mainly three schools of thought regarding the source of authority.

It applies to situations of emergency or crisis where action is to be taken immediately. No sub-ordinate can be ordered to do a job which is impossible to be performed due to biological limitations. A person having power may demand obligation from other persons. It has some specific rules and regulations and take care of the national interests. This power is based on belief that the influencer has some relevant expertise or special knowledge that the influence does not have. Contemporary corporatism is generally “Conceived as a system of interest representation in which the constituent units are organised into limited number of singular, compulsory hierarchically ordered and functionally differentiated categories recognised by the state and granted a deliberate representational monopoly”. According to Weber, the power of traditional authority is accepted because that has traditionally been the case; its legitimacy exists because it has been accepted for a long time. In many countries of Africa (or West Asia) there are hereditary systems or dynastic rulers.

But in the seventies of the last century the feeling traversed along a different path. The small and medium sized industries have failed to cope with the growing problems of economy. Obedience occurs when you are told to do something (authority), whereas conformity happens through social pressure (the norms of the majority).. Obedience involves a hierarchy of power / status.

This frequently happens in many countries.

These are the common interpretations of power. Ralph Miliband has given us a very beautiful and vivid account of corporation or corporate body in advanced capitalist countries. According to Webster- “Responsibility is that for which one is responsible on accountable”. They must feel and treat all the employees on an equal ground.


This consent may be unanimous in character or majority opinion. Hague, Harrop and Breslin’s definition is slightly different: “In a broad sense the power is the production of intended effects”.

Accountability makes over conscious of his responsibilities without which one may go stray and shirk his responsibility. There are three different schools of thought about the sources of authority which are discussed below: This theory states that authority is the power that is accepted by others. Though Deutsch defines the concept in the background of international politics, its relevance to national politics is, however, undeniable.


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