Required fields are marked *. It also has universal pension coverage, and a strong health care system. Leave as soon as you can and go back to your beautiful country! “They have identified the issues and are dealing with them.”. Norway ranks second in the list of the world’s most expensive countries to live, followed by Iceland, Japan, Denmark, Bahamas, Luxembourg, Israel, Singapore, and South Korea. To live in Norway you need a work, than you have a good live here and i would say one of the best in world, but besides of that, it’s really hard to live here. A unique culture=> Really? I really do not want to write my experience about health care system cause it is a joke! I want to move to Norway but I’m broke as a joke. 5 Ways Americans Can Move to Norway in 2021, Things You Must Know Before Moving to Norway, Losing a Work Permit After 18 Months in Norway, Scepticism of Immigrants Falling in Norway, Canada vs. Norway: 7 Things Canucks Can Learn From This Scandinavian Region, Coronavirus in Norway: The Latest News on the COVID-19 Outbreak, Moving to Norway: The Ultimate Relocation Guide, Theodor Kittelsen: The Norwegian Fairytale Artist. Hi Norway’s wildlife ranges from polar bears in Svalbard (and only Svalbard) to moose, musk oxen, whales, wolves, bears, eagles and massive herds of reindeer. Norway is a big country, covering over 385,000 square kilometres (approximately 149,000 square miles). You have lots of good points though – perhaps you’d be interested in writing your own blog post about why you’ve decided to leave Norway? I am also impressed with your english! Trying living in New Zealand our daily groceries cost us 400NZD which is 2225NOK. Id love to get your advice on a few things. Here people have so many stupid rules and parents are so controlling of their children and spanking children is so normal here, grounding too, which i promise you is shocking to us Norwegians!! Norway is known for its exceptional standard of living, which is one of the major draws for expatriates. This northern European nation is a brilliant place to call home and is an excellent destination for young and growing families. Marte I find your comment to be hilariously true. Should none of those appeals, a little further down the list you’ll find the United States (20th), the United Kingdom (27th), Saudi Arabia (57th), and Russia (82nd). Do you know of exceptions for non-married or engaged couples or sponsorship by families? Almost 25 years ago the government established the Government Pension Fund Global – commonly known as the Oil Fund – which has since grown to become one of the world’s largest sovereign wealth funds. Much of the country’s oil revenues are channelled into the fund, which is invested globally to pay for the growing financial demands of an ageing population. Northern lights dancing over fjord, Tromso, Northern Norway. Natural fishing harbour in summer. During the summer, the sun hardly sets in Norway. Welcome to Oslo . I am an America. So at the end it decreases my life standard for sure , In my opinion; it is a nice country for short term, it is always good to experience living in a different country; but not really a long term place unless you were born here I am from Southern Europe so it is maybe normal for me to not to like to stay here forever buy my husband is English and i think he wants to move since the 2nd month we arrived here , This country really can finish with a marriage, for those who can leave this jail to go to other country together there is a chance, for me…. If you live in Bergen it is about 10 days in a year! Naturally, it cuts straight through a mountain. Tromso, Norway. And as the kids get older, parents can take comfort that Norwegian college and university education is offered free of charge – good news for every family. During winter, Norway becomes a true winter wonderland. I have to say that many of the things your saying about Norway is right. Fishing boats in harbour at midnight sun, Lofoten Island, Norway. Culture Trip stands with Black Lives Matter. The Northern Lights are a fantastic phenomenon, and one of the best places to see them is Norway, as there are plenty of towns in the north to stay in and go exploring from. And how about residency for those who work for a U.S.-based organization? But is it enough to live in a country permanently and make it home? Norway has a high level of institutionalisation – sending people to care homes – but it takes measures to keep them in their homes for as long as possible, through home improvements such as hand rails and mobility systems, and day care provision. You will also enjoy a high quality of housing; whether you choose to buy or rent, most Norwegian homes are kept to excellent standards. Sweden, Switzerland, Canada and Germany completed the top five – while Britain was 11th. What are the laws around residency for freelancers? Norway is the best country in which to grow old, according to new research – while Britain does not make it into the top ten With a population of just over 5 million citizens and a population density of 15 per square kilometre (38 per square mile), much of Norway has been left unspoilt. Many Norwegians grow up on the slopes and can ski like pros – and even if you aren't a skier, there are lots of activities to encourage the kids to ditch the video games and get out and about. Would love to get some more information about this city To give you some perspective, you can’t walk into a private garden in Oslo, but you should be okay to camp out in an isolated field for a night. As an added bonus, the public transport across the country makes it easy to explore different areas. YOU ARE A RIDICULOUS LITTLE GIRL THAT KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT BEING A PARENT, BEFORE SPEAKING ON YOU SO CALLED EXPERIENCE , LIVE A LITTLE YOUR WRITING SHOWS HOW IGNORANT YOU TRULY ARE, AND ACTING A LITTLE BRAT THAT THOUGH YOU ARE 17 YOU SOUND LIKE 10 YEARS OLD , THE WORLD IS DIFFERENT ALL OVER CHILD AND GO BACK TO WHERE YOU FEEL MORE AT HOME AND DON’T EXPERIENCE WHAT THE WORLD HAS TO OFFER. You have probably heard of Oslo and Bergen, but Trondheim, Tromsø and Stavanger are all worth visiting too, for their own special characters. Though the fact remains that about 800 million people in the world go to bed hungry daily, more than 1 billion people have risen out of extreme poverty in the past 25 years. I am norwegian born and rasied here, i lost both of my parents at the age of 20, they didn’t have any sort of ensurance, and i was all alone with every expenses that cause after someone is gone. All expat parents are concerned with the cost of schooling abroad – and one of Norway's major advantages is its relatively inexpensive school system. The allemannsrett allows everyone to explore as much as they want and there is nothing quite like the enjoyment of camping in the middle of nowhere. I suspect Norwegian language classes would not be substantial enough to merit a student visa. Norway is the best country in which to grow old, according to new research – while Britain does not make it into the top ten. Are there people from different parts of the world there and does inter racial marriage exist? -John, Hi John, this isn’t a forum, welcome to my blog!
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