Apply clear and effective communication skills. Appligent AppendPDF Pro 5.5 Information Technology covers a broad spectrum of hardware and software solutions that enable organizations to gather, organize, and analyze data that helps them achieve their goals. IT 101 Introduction to Information Technology • 5 Cr. Articulate basic computer ethics for a given scenario within the IT field.         They will build up their proficiency in Information Technology as detailed in the course syllabus, emphasizing its use in the modeling of nature and technology. CCPOs are linked to every competency they develop. ]���tS�F�Y�)f��.M�1~��l~\����ҟ~u7 b�|/�x�R�&:&m�Z� W��w�d*��h��T,�h�s�8r{�t�i�%>�G���{8#���Lz�P 36 0 obj Read the Content. Come back tomorrow. Check back Later. To keep our site running, we need your help to cover our server cost (about $500/m), a small donation will help us a lot. <>/MediaBox[0 0 612 792]/Parent 3 0 R/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]>>/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> Or. �!�s��8/OO 2019-10-11T12:16:39-07:00 Convert your points to reward Services. lol it did not even take me 5 minutes at all! endobj {7����l��j6�W�tv�ї���ɯ�lq;�f��$�-:9x9?if��iP7�������%1{���éN�:Jj�n���< 7O�DE�HrA�H�8��߄�T�vK�xR�Z�!�v~��"q!o�f7k)�-]�y�>�^�#n���K3����|�A��U�5��b� z��]ӧ~�(�,�-�`"ʓ8�3��h��c���!�X#��~%I�g���f�HzP�b��؋`l�>H��8�D��e�+ Z�v���:A�-���"��x�5�x R[��H�{'��v]�H�np�^��e�Ó� �}?�.�H�Y��FN-�%ɬz;�l���&��r������ߡ��Ȓ3q���F�� ЦW�N�ಥ��R�B'`覅C,��[���+'QS,�8��L*y��ԖpSVI������foS�H������7kp�:J="}�ЅKW�yTM�+��A*������H3%�j�?�qLА$���C���I��(㨔j�Dq���������(.�H9����M�1�s�D����v�48�n,���#ac��LJeW1b���j�w���f�N]h�a����=�I���Zm�`�z~������g�?����m�Q��d�� s0�K��dT hق��v ��'2�l���\^�7�鯦�+ث| IT 101-001: Introduction to Information Technology I get my most wanted eBook. endobj Stanton, uuid:9ca79af8-acaf-11b2-0a00-506336d1fe7f Obtain current textbook information by viewing the campus bookstore online or visit a campus bookstore. Well that's simple. �����^��>4�0A֊7䔒�HP���N&@�Խ�٢�{`�6$�T_��C6P�{?�0(l��6dYA�����a��9�ǩ���mm�f��MD�[�oTK�hk���:v0ȥX�a ��MkQ��&�5=�[�w�M?|�|8j*��m��‡"^P��P e�Q��D���_�����rEy�gʰe����gyxيe�Qa+�5U�Hh�\�[y����~��^P`Ө���=�W���32 Email. Students explore emerging technologies and various career opportunities within the IT field. endobj 1 Introduction to Information Technology 2 Understanding the Digital Domain 3 Representing Numbers and Text in Binary 4 Computer Hardware 5 Computer Software 6 Digital Audio Technology 7 Digital Images and Video 8 Midterm Exam Review / Midterm Exam 9 Fundamentals of Communication 10 Introduction to Fiber Optics Information technology (IT) is the application of computers and telecommunications equipment to store, retrieve, transmit and manipulate data, often in the context of a business or other enterprise. 2. }�c���zr�fJ�r�O���H��3zzRѸF�Z���G���}�������}f����8M�7J�9�I�$���r���J|�J�(o��9&���c�7� d��ij� ���i'�}*&z �X|Ẕ�3�"dB��jEb�:Q_��˔���'u)�`��Gz�$���gJH��~�x��k}y{zd���v��*f�Ө�}��;b���(k� gڍ�3q��"J�ă �M� � �%G*u�V� ��3`čO�i̼둥����0u��g*xV���W7���@�n���gg�l�>P\��Q��\r�8L�S�g���+�����e�f���\[��.�tڤ�������D'��s� �H�s.���8t��%"xv_� �����n_���~��q8E#I��g1HR2R�Ypϡ�|�J��v5,�r?I���D�f�-2,�Ni��/�d��`�ڤnI��Y�͸ZI)��v�>��� ��p��7�Oʨ�|�KU�4���7O��.ͣ��ͣc�>��#-m��@Լ���jYZE?g������e��ey� �M��l"!�+��m�݆/I6�����"�|m3�Q��D�,�Ig��)R�f�]�:���T�=T�&�O�&��T�"bN�4J���\ѤS��o�'(�J"P�3E��T=�Ĥ�uum��7qM���dp�$ We are a non-profit group that run this service to share documents. See Core Curriculum Competencies and Program Graduate Competencies at the end of the syllabus. <>stream Explain the function and purpose of wired and wireless networks. I don't want to Earn, Convert your Earned Point now to Cash and Withdraw directly to your bank account. 1 0 obj You currently have insufficient funds to play this game. endobj Presents a general overview of information technology. Articulate the role of the technology professional in organizations to support the ethical use of information technology. Wilmington, ENG 090 or ENG 091 or concurrent, SSC 100 or concurrent. Please fill this form, we will try to respond as soon as possible. Please copy and paste this embed script to where you want to embed. Use a basic algorithm to solve a problem. Prince 12.5 ( Examine career opportunities within the IT field. Challenge friends on the following social media. IT 101: Introduction to Information Technology Course Description This course will introduce students to the major information technology career areas and train students in the use of Microsoft Office XP Professional. XD. Share & Embed "IT 101: Introduction to Information Technology" Please copy and paste this embed script to … Identify trends in commerce and technology. Earn Points for every question answered correctly This page was last edited on 12 October 2018, at 15:17. Our library is the biggest of these that have literally hundreds of thousands of different products represented. You have already exhausted your game play for today. Topics include how computers work, different types of computers, input and data storage devices, operating systems, data communications, systems analysis and design, and ethics. <> 5. Describe how the Internet of Things (IoT) relates to real-world applications. Use information literacy for effective vocational and/or academic research. It provides a working knowledge to IT terminology, processes that use IT, and the components found in telecommunications and computer systems that are used by IT professionals. Apply quantitative reasoning and/or scientific inquiry to solve practical problems. Demonstrate the importance of lifelong learning that empowers personal and professional growth. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. IT includes a combination of hardware and software used together to perform the essential functions people need and use everyday. Come back tomorrow. It also details technology-based workflow processes that expand the capacity of an organization to deliver services that generate revenue.


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