0000001644 00000 n
Community Living Service’s Wayne County division, located in Wayne, Michigan, provides supports for people of all ages with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Wayne County. Path Projects The PATH (Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness) Grant is funded by the McKinney Homeless Assistance Act and provides funds for services to persons with mental illness ; Training . Click to send email to : ContactDCS@hopenetwork.org. Get involved with the spiritual side of healthcare. Interested?
Interested? Assists residents with activities of daily living. Apply here, or fill out the form below to be contacted by our Social Work & Counseling Careers team! If on mobile device, click to call : 616.301.8000, Fax
Read more below. Indeed ranks Job Ads based on a combination of employer bids and relevance, such as your search terms and other activity on Indeed. The toll free number is 866-381-7600. Central Michigan Care offers flexible scheduling and works around school schedules for CLS professionals. Please note, this should not have an effect on the services offered to the individuals that we are proud to serve. Reliable means of transportation, valid driver’s license, and up to date auto insurance, Effective oral and written communication skills, Able to communicate expressively & receptively to follow Person Centered Plan (PCP) requirements, emergency procedures, and report on activities performed as well as the other requirements for the job, All staff must complete all require training through Central Michigan Care and Community Mental Health of Central Michigan (renewed annually). CLS professionals work alongside individuals with various needs to assist them maintaining their independence and community involvement. Apply here, or fill out the form below to be contacted by our Nursing Careers team! Living with a cognitive or physical disability can be overwhelming. 0000003890 00000 n
We do this by providing children and adults with services and programs to allow them to live, learn and work in our community. 0000006995 00000 n
Community Living Supports (CLS) facilitate an individual’s independence, productivity, and promote inclusion and participation. Displayed here are Job Ads that match your query.
These stories reflect the struggles, the gifts and the laughter of remarkable people. 2 Table of Contents We also work with many of the region’s employers and nonprofit organizations to help provide them with trained, reliable and valuable employees.
CLS does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sexual identity or gender. If you do not receive a receipt, please contact us at amsr@hopenetwork.org. 0000038333 00000 n
0000035656 00000 n
0000001000 00000 n
Community Living Service’s Wayne County division, located in Wayne, Michigan, provides supports for people of all ages with intellectual and developmental disabilities in Wayne County. List any skills, trade, training, certifications, etc. The people we’re honored to serve – those with developmental disabilities, with mental illness or broken families – truly matter. Developmental and Community Services, Phone
This puts the resources in the hands of people and their families so they can judge whether the services are of good value to them so they can make their own life decisions. �,B��u���,�د�*�q���
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0000006790 00000 n
0000006569 00000 n
Please check your Junk/Spam Folder, if you do not receive this email in a timely manner. 0000066502 00000 n
Contact Your Community Mental Health Services Provider. CLS connects people/families with qualified individuals and Provider agencies and can assist in the interview process to help people decide who they would like to provide their services and supports. Although Community Living Support staff offer suggestions, all activities and services are chosen by the individuals. 0000001863 00000 n
A CLS professional is scheduled, on average, 10-30 hours/week. 0000006042 00000 n
Community Living Supports (CLS) facilitate an individual’s independence, productivity, and promote inclusion and participation. Phone:
For more information about our client services or how you can work or partner with PELS (or hire one of our clients), please contact us or call 231-747-8650. at:
0000002016 00000 n
Let us help! CLS professionals can have a caseload of 1-4 clients and can expect to be scheduled Monday through Friday and weekends (typically no more than 1-2 weekends/month) depending on the needs of the consumer. When you see the red bus, you'll know it's us. If on mobile device, click to call : 616.245.6155, Email:
Crisis calls after business hours can be made to:
TTY: (866) 496-7600
Crisis calls are taken at these numbers during normal business hours. Community Living Supports (CLS) is a service paid for by Medicaid when medically necessary for an individual. We’re seeking people with big hearts. Please click "No, I would prefer a certificate of attendance" below. The supports may not supplant other waiver or state plan-covered services (for example out-of-home non-vocational habilitation, Home Help Program, personal care in specialized residential, respite). 0000013660 00000 n
Our goal is to provide quality of life opportunities through socialization and relationship-building and connecting to the larger community. This offers flexibility and creativity regarding how to use the financial resources and whom to choose for services and supports. Must be within Kent, Barry, or Ottawa county. Visit our careers page to see jobs available in Hope Network. 0000095144 00000 n
Give Hope. Hope Network offers a variety of support services to enhance development and improve independence to anyone with a developmental and/or cognitive disability. We assist people in developing a Person-Centered Plan and then create an individualized budget based on that plan. H��Wے�F}�W�#�;3�S��by}+��x��Ö0I�`w���3��mc��.Kh������E:�JS�K�3΄d�s��Y$Y��]�ې�-V�_�W����Z��� b��xN���{���zءK�i�T����4��X�^4*������p䉖Ȉ�����ثlS�O��}�P��w��$`;�p�n�N�eݰ��(��h7"�n@A�_�J7���}�k*�hL��}�n���;\}e�E8A�ݰ�Ϝ-&L~��o��1^w��B7 u�ȓ������$n$M�=O�wo�|]�2���K'��3�C�.���_�'}��P���d,G�������1{�N=�=���ѩ#�+À�Z�MK�_��V4��f���'�G���L���F͖�b�
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